Rehearsals and joining
Voicebeat meets on Monday evenings from 7–9pm. Please arrive a few minutes early so we can make a prompt start.
The first rehearsal of 2025 is 6 January and the term ends on 7 April. New singers are welcome at any time. We don't observe bank holidays. The summer term ends in June, and we start the new singing year in September.
We meet at the Scottish Dance Teachers' Alliance at 101 Park Rd, Glasgow G4 9JE, not far from Kelvinbridge underground station, between Eldon St and Woodlands Rd, behind the Old Schoolhouse pub, the Stand comedy club and the SDTA headquarters, next door to the modern part of St Silas church. On what3words, it's round.tape.issues.
There's no audition or entry requirement to join Voicebeat. You don't need to read music, as we learn by ear. Whatever your background and experience, you are very welcome to come along to any rehearsal to enjoy singing with other people. You don't have to join at the start of term, you can come along at any time. After the rehearsal we sometimes go to the pub to rehydrate, discuss plans and socialise, so please join us if you can.
To join Voicebeat costs just £2 per term. Your first rehearsal is free; thereafter, a contribution of £5 per rehearsal towards costs (room hire, refreshments, tuition etc), in advance, is requested from those who can afford it. Refugees and asylum-seekers pay nothing.
Finally, and this is important... Voicebeat is not a drop-in session. We really appreciate a dedicated attitude, reliable attendance and punctual arrival. Obviously we know people have other things in life that can get in the way, but if you do decide it's for you, please commit and give it your very best. You will get out of it what you put in, as they say.